UBOS Beta 1 is now available!
We’re proud to announce that UBOS is now available in a first beta release.
You can run UBOS:
- on standard PCs, as their primary operating system
- on standard PCs and Macs, in VirtualBox
- on your Raspberry Pi Model B and Model B+.
The following apps are available and have been tested on all platforms:
Owncloud: Your Cloud, Your Data, Your Way!
Install with sudo ubos-admin createsite
, specify app owncloud
Known: Publishing Platform for Everyone
Install with sudo ubos-admin createsite
, specify app idno
Wordpress: Blog tools, publishing platform, and CMS
Install with sudo ubos-admin createsite
, specify app wordpress
Mediawiki: The wiki that Wikipedia runs on
Install with sudo ubos-admin createsite
, specify app mediawiki
Selfoss: The new multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application
Install with sudo ubos-admin createsite
, specify app selfoss
Shaarli: Your Own URL Shortener
Install with sudo ubos-admin createsite
, specify app shaarli
and also Jenkins, the continuous integration app we use to build UBOS itself on UBOS.
Install with sudo ubos-admin createsite
, specify app jenkins
Some apps already have some accessories, which you may or may not want to install:
Wordpress plugins:
for Indie Web support; -
Mediawiki extension:
to cut down on wiki spam; -
Jenkins plugins:
, andjenkins-plugin-scm-api
for Git integration.
The following features should work on all platforms:
Single-command deployment of web apps, with automatic database provisioniong, webserver configuration, etc.
Multiple virtual hosts on the same host. For example, you can run sites
on the same host. -
Multiple apps on the same virtual host. For example, you can run Wordpress at
and Mediawiki athttp://example.com/wiki
Multiple instances of the same app on the same host. For example, you can run three instances of Wordpress on the same host, such as at
Single-command undeployment
Single-command full system upgrade which backs up all your data, upgrades all code from the operating system over middleware to applications, runs whatever data migrations might be necessary, and redeploys all your apps.
Single-command backup and restore.
and a few other things, see the documentation section of this site.
This is a beta, so expect bugs (release notes).
We run several production sites on it already, but we don’t recommend (yet) that you do.