Or, buy a pre-configured UBOSbox
from indiecomputing.com.

Quick Start


On a device or server

A more detailed step-by-step guide can be found in the Administrator documentation. The links on this page are for the green (production) release channel.

[Raspberry Pi]

To run UBOS on the Raspberry Pi:

Download this image for Raspberry Pi 2 or Raspberry Pi 3, or this image for Raspberry Pi 4, uncompress, and write to a USB stick in "raw" format.


To run UBOS on an x86 PC:

Download this image for a physical PC, uncompress, and write to a USB stick in "raw" format. Or this image for VirtualBox or VMWare, uncompress, and use as the main virtual hard drive.


To run UBOS on the ESPRESSObin:

Download this image, uncompress, and write to a USB stick in "raw" format.


To run UBOS on an ODROID-XU4 or -HC2:

Download this image, uncompress, and write to a USB stick in "raw" format.

Once booted, log in from the console as root, or via ssh using the UBOS Staff.

In the Cloud

To run UBOS on Amazon EC2:

Click on the logo and follow the Amazon wizard.

Do NOT use a t2 (old-generation) instance type; this image does not have XEN support and won't boot on t2 instances.

Once booted, log in via ssh using the private key you specified in the EC2 wizard, and account name shepherd, such as (replace IP address and name of your private key file):

% ssh shepherd@ -i id_rsa

Using Docker

To run UBOS on Docker:

% alias ubos-docker-green='docker run -i -t --cap-add NET_ADMIN --cap-add NET_BIND_SERVICE
  --cap-add NET_BROADCAST --cap-add NET_RAW --cap-add SYS_ADMIN -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
   -e container=docker ubos/ubos-green /usr/lib/systemd/systemd'
% ubos-docker-green

Once booted, log in as root from the console.

For more details and other installation options, refer to UBOS Linux installation in the UBOS Administrator documentation. It also describes how to run UBOS in a Linux container.

Then: create a website that runs one or more Apps

Once logged in, create a website that runs one or more apps:

% sudo ubos-admin createsite

and answer the questions. To obtain the list of currently available web apps, and the available accessories, execute:

% pacman -Sl hl

Maintaining your device

To upgrade operating system, middleware, all installed apps, and perform any necessary data migrations and/or reboots:

% sudo ubos-admin update

To back up all data from your apps:

% sudo ubos-admin backup --backuptofile all.ubos-backup

For details, refer to the Administrator documentation.