More people, and organizations, should be able to control the technology themselves that they use every day to interact with each other, instead of depending on the goodwill (?) and business model of few centralized social media and cloud platforms.

There’s plenty of interesting software that one can self-host, but it’s hard and labor-intensive to do so, even if one is an experienced Linux administrator, and most people aren’t.

In the UBOS Project, we are trying to make that a bit easier, with:

  • UBOS Gears, tools for installing, upgrading, configuring and generally managing self-hosted Apps on self-hosted physical or virtual Devices from cloud servers down to the Raspberry Pi;

  • UBOS Linux, a subset of Arch Linux, specifically curated for easy administration and whole-stack system upgrades;

  • UBOS Mesh, which will make the development of software for the social web of peers simpler (in progress).


UBOS is going through some major changes. Please excuse the ongoing construction. Latest release notes.

In particular, we are moving servers: from Github to Gitlab, from S3 to Digital Ocean. Expect broken links.

UBOS is still work in progress. Some parts (UBOS Linux, UBOS Gears) have been running quite reliably for various users in production for a number of years, hosted both on public clouds and individually-owned personal servers behind the firewall. Some others (UBOS Mesh) are still some distance away from release.

To learn more about UBOS, go to the UBOS documentation.