FAQ, HOWTOs and Troubleshooting


  1. Doesn’t apt / dpkg / yum / pacman etc. does what UBOS Gears does already?
  2. Doesn’t puppet / chef / ansible etc. does what UBOS Gears does already?
  3. Doesn’t Docker do what UBOS Gears does already?
  4. Is it possible to run UBOS Gears or UBOS PeerGraph on an operating system other than UBOS Linux?
  5. “Package not found error” when installing a new App or Accessory
  6. A UBOS container comes up degraded
  7. Booting UBOS on a PC starts out fine, but then the screen goes blank
  8. Can I manage apps packaged as Docker containers with UBOS?
  9. Can I run UBOS in a Docker container?
  10. Can I use UBOS without purchasing a domain name?
  11. Cannot access MySQL database. File missing: /etc/mysql/root-defaults-ubos.cnf
  12. Cannot boot UBOS from boot stick on a PC
  13. Cannot connect to the public internet from a UBOS container
  14. Cannot create a temporary backup; the backup directory is not empty
  15. Failed to create file /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
  16. How are the various UBOS images different from each other?
  17. How can I install more than one web App on the same Device?
  18. How do I set up WiFi?
  19. How to enable non-standard Package Repositories
  20. How to get help
  21. How to log into your UBOS Device
  22. How to modify the configuration of your Site
  23. How to report a bug or issue
  24. How to use Pagekite to reach your UBOS Device behind a firewall
  25. How to use SSH
  26. I need a Package that isn’t in UBOS
  27. I need root
  28. I own a domain name, and I’d like to use it for my UBOS Device. How do I do that?
  29. I want to move from one device to another, or from/to the cloud to/from a device
  30. I want to run ssh on a non-standard port
  31. I’m running out of disk space, what now?
  32. Installing a new Package or updating fails with a message about “invalid or corrupted package” or “key is disabled”
  33. Installing a new Package or upgrading fails with a message about “unknown trust”
  34. Is it safe to have my Site accessible from the public web?
  35. My non-English keyboard layout is all screwed up
  36. My SD card is much larger than the UBOS image. How do I use the rest of the space?
  37. Nothing happens when UBOS is supposed to be booting
  38. Problems with “IPv6 Packet Filtering Framework”
  39. UBOS is in a “degraded” state
  40. ubos-admin status reports “Systemd unit … has failed”
  41. Verify your downloaded UBOS image
  42. What is the default “root” password?
  43. What text editor can I use on UBOS?
  44. Why did you derive UBOS Linux from Arch Linux, and what is the relationship between UBOS Linux and Arch?
  45. Why is it called UBOS?
  46. Writing a disk image to a USB stick or SD card