
You can run UBOS on your ESPRESSObin by downloading an image, writing it to an SD card, and booting your ESPRESSObin with that card. (Alternatively you can keep running your existing Linux distro on your ESPRESSObin, and run UBOS in a Linux container. This is described in Run UBOS in an ARM aarch64 Linux container.)

  1. Download a UBOS boot image from the Depot. Images for the ESPRESSObin are at Look for a file named ubos_green_aarch64-espressobin_LATEST.img.xz.

  2. Optionally, you may now verify that your image downloaded correctly by following Verify your downloaded UBOS image.

  3. Uncompress the downloaded file. This depends on your operating system, but might be as easy as double-clicking it, or executing

    % xz -d ubos_green_aarch64-espressobin_LATEST.img.xz

    on the command line.

  4. Write this image file “raw” to an SD card appropriate for your ESPRESSObin. This operation depends on your operating system:

  5. On first boot, you need to have a serial terminal connected to your ESPRESSObin. This is because you likely have to change your boot loader options.

  6. Remove the SD card and insert it into your ESPRESSObin. If you created a UBOS Staff, insert it into a USB port.

  7. Connect your ESPRESSObin to your Ethernet network. Use the Ethernet port that is closest to the ESPRESSObin’s USB 3 port (the one that is blue): that’s the one that UBOS, by default, configures as the “upstream” interface; the others are configured for local area networks, just like a home router.

  8. Connect the ESPRESSObin’s USB power port to your computer with a USB cable. This will become your serial connection. This is only required for the first boot.

  9. From your computer, attach a serial terminal. How to do that depends on your operating system. The ESPRESSObin site has a description for how to do this from Windows or Linux. The baudrate is 115200. For example, on Linux, you might run sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200.

  10. Connect the 12V power supply to your ESPRESSObin.

  11. When prompted on the serial terminal, interrupt the boot process by pressing a key. You get a promot that looks like:

  12. Enter the following commands to import the new environment variables to boot from the SD card:

    mmc dev 0
    ext4load mmc 0 $loadaddr /uEnv-sdcard.txt
    env import -t $loadaddr $filesize

    If you do not want to make permanent changes to your bootloader setup, leave out the saveenv command. If you do not execute saveenv, you will have to type the commands above every time you boot your ESPRESSObin into UBOS.

  13. Should booting fail, see below for the uBoot factory configuration.

  14. When the boot process is finished, log in as user root from the attached keyboard and monitor. For password, see I need root. If you used a UBOS Staff, you can log in over the network instead as described in The UBOS Staff.

  15. Now: wait. UBOS needs to generate a few cryptographic keys before it is ready to use and initialize a few other things on the first boot. That might take 5 or 10 minutes. To determine whether UBOS ready, execute:

    % systemctl is-system-running
  16. Check that your ESPRESSObin has acquired an IP address:

    % ip addr

    Make sure you are connected to the internet before attempting to proceed.

  17. Update UBOS to the latest and greatest:

    % sudo ubos-admin update
  18. You are now ready for Setting up your first Site and App.

Optional: boot from a SATA disk, instead of an SD card

In the previous section, you installed UBOS on an SD card and booted from it. If you would like to use a SATA disk instead, do this:

  1. Acquire a suitable SATA power connector. The ESPRESSObin has a male power connector on the board, which is very unusual. It may be difficult to find a suitable power connector.

  2. Assuming you have the disk connected and powered up, boot the ESPRESSObin from a UBOS SD card as described above.

  3. Once booted, execute:

    % lsblk

    This will show all attached block devices, including the attached disk. Determine which of the shown devices is your disk. It might be /dev/sda, which we’ll assume from now.

  4. Install UBOS on that disk with the command:

    % sudo ubos-install /dev/sda
  5. Shut down the ESPRESSObin and turn off power.

  6. Remove the SD card from your ESPRESSObin. If you created a UBOS Staff, insert it into a USB port. Then, connect the ESPRESSObin’s USB power port to your computer.

  7. Connect the ESPRESSObin’s USB power port to your computer with a USB cable. This will become your serial connection.

  8. From your computer, attach a serial terminal. How to do that depends on your operating system. The ESPRESSObin site has a description for how to do this from Windows or Linux. The baudrate is 115200. For example, on Linux, you might run sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200.

  9. Connect the 12V power supply to your ESPRESSObin.

  10. When prompted on the serial terminal, interrupt the boot process by pressing a key. You get a promot that looks like:

  11. Enter the following commands to import the new environment variables to boot from the SD card:

    env default -a
    scsi scan
    scsi dev 0
    ext4load scsi 0 $loadaddr /uEnv-sata.txt
    env import -t $loadaddr $filesize

    If you do not want to make permanent changes to your bootloader setup, leave out the saveenv command. If you do not execute saveenv, you will have to type the commands above every time you boot your ESPRESSObin into UBOS.

  12. The ESPRESSObin will now boot from the SATA disk. If you have executed the saveenv command, you can remove the SD Card; it will not be needed for future boots.


If your ESPRESSObin fails to detect the SATA disk in the middle of the boot process, you may need to upgrade its pre-installed boot loader (see next section).

u-Boot upgrade

More recent Linux kernels (2019) require the u-Boot bootloader to be upgraded, otherwise the kernel may not detect the SATA disk. If this occurs, the kernel will start booting but some time into the process, it will fail to find the very disk it is running from. To perform the u-Boot upgrade, do this:

  • You need a USB flash stick. It needs to be VFAT-formatted (the default for USB flash sticks).

  • Determine the exact version of your ESPRESSObin, specifically version number (such as V5) and the amount of RAM on your board (like 1G).

  • From our friends at Armbian at, download the correct, prebuilt u-Boot binary for your ESPRESSObin and save it to your USB flash stick:

    • If your ESPRESSObin is V5 or lower, look for files that start with flash-image-ddr3-. For versions after V5, look for files that start with flash-image-ddr4-.

    • The next element in the filename is the RAM size of your ESPRESSObin, such as 512m-, 1g- or 2g-.

    • The next element in the filename is your ESPRESSObin’s number of RAM chips. If your ESPRESSObin was produced before 2019, the number is likely 2: “one on each side of the PCB opposite to each other. Recent (e.g. 2019) 1GB models have only one chip at the bottom” (thanks, Armbian!). Depending, the next element is 1cs- or 2cs-.

    • The last element is the speed at which to run the board. It is recommended to err on the side of lower numbers, otherwise the ESPRESSObin might become unstable. The first number is the CPU speed in MHz; the second the memory speed. We use 1000_800.

  • Once you saved the downloaded file to your USB stick, insert the stick into the ESPRESSObin’s USB3 port (the one that’s blue) and boot your ESPRESSObin with a serial terminal attached. Press a key, so the boot process is interrupted.

  • Flash the boot loader with this command:

    bubt <BIN> spi usb

    where <BIN> is the full name of the file your downloaded to the USB stick.

  • Then, go through setting up the parameters just as if you attempted to boot for the first time (see above).

u-Boot bootloader factory configuration

If you have difficulty booting the ESPRESSObin with the provided instructions, it may be because you previously changed the ESPRESSObin’s boot loader configuration from the factory default. For reference, here is the ESPRESSObin’s factory configuration as determined by executing

> printenv

in uBoot of a brand-new device:

bootargs=console=ttyMV0,115200 earlycon=ar3700_uart,0xd0012000 root=/dev/nfs rw ip= nfsroot=
bootcmd=mmc dev 0; ext4load mmc 0:1 $kernel_addr $image_name;ext4load mmc 0:1 $fdt_addr $fdt_name;setenv bootargs $console root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait; booti $kernel_addr - $fdt_addr
bootmmc=mmc dev 0; ext4load mmc 0:1 $kernel_addr $image_name;ext4load mmc 0:1 $fdt_addr $fdt_name;setenv bootargs $console root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait; booti $kernel_addr - $fdt_addr
console=console=ttyMV0,115200 earlycon=ar3700_uart,0xd0012000
get_images=mmc dev 0; fatload mmc 0 $kernel_addr $image_name; fatload mmc 0 $fdt_addr $fdt_name; run get_ramfs
get_ramfs=if test "${ramfs_name}" != "-"; then setenv ramfs_addr 0x3000000; tftp $ramfs_addr $ramfs_name; else setenv ramfs_addr -;fi
root=root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw
set_bootargs=setenv bootargs $console $root ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gatewayip:$netmask:$hostname:$netdev:none nfsroot=$serverip:$rootpath $extra_params

(Some of these values will necessarily be different on your device, e.g. the Mac addresses.)

In an attempt to trouble-shoot, manually set the environment variables in your device’s uBoot configuration to these values as closely as possible, before attempting to boot UBOS.