Release notes: UBOS Linux update 2020-08-16
To upgrade
To be safe, first create a backup of all your sites to a suitable file, with a command such as:
sudo ubos-admin backup --all --backuptodirectory ~
Then, update your device:
sudo ubos-admin update -v
Note: You may receive a message that says “Failed to refresh some expired keys”. This is harmless and you can ignore it.
What’s new
New platforms
- The Raspberry Pi 4 is now supported, and the documentation has been updated with instructions for how to install UBOS on it.
New features
- App Nextcloud can now use ftp servers and SMB network drives as external storage.
- App Nextcloud’s maximum memory and maximum upload size can now be easily configured.
By default, each are 512MB, but you can set different values right in your Site JSON file.
For an existing Site, export the Site JSON file with
sudo ubos-admin showsite --json
, look for the new customization points, change the values there, and redeploy withsudo ubos-admin deploy --file ...
. - Accessories required by other Accessories deployed at the same AppConfiguration are now
deployed automatically. This often makes life easier when running commands such as
ubos-admin createsite
because UBOS will automatically figure out what other Accessories are required and deploy them without further ado. ubos-admin status
can now be run while other commands are running. This is useful for troubleshooting.- Easier to copy-paste site administrator passwords from the UBOS Staff: there is a new icon, and it can be used without displaying the password on screen.
ubos-admin listsites --with-installable
allows you to just list those sites on a device that have a certain App or Accessory installed.ubos-admin status
now can also show snapper snapshot information
Other improvements
- If there is only one Site on a device,
ubos-admin showsite
does not require you to specify its identifier or hostname. sudo ubos-admin setup-shepherd
, when invoked without arguments, sets up a shepherd account with a newly generated SSH key pair.- Letsencrypt has gained a logrotate file, to avoid endless log files
ubos-admin status
now has exit code 1 if there are problems, for easier scripting.- The HTML saved to the UBOS Staff now has a note if it was saved when no network was available. In this case, no hyperlinks will be generated either.
- Processes on the UBOS device can now connect to localhost via IPv6.
ubos-admin showsite
no longer shows internal customizationpoints. They are also not displayed in the HTML generated on the UBOS Staff any more.- Webfinger support now always uses utf-8.
- Restoring sites from backup, and during upgrades, has become faster when there are many files to restore.
- Values for new customizationpoints are automatically added during upgrades.
ubos-admin createsite
does not exit any more when a package is specified as an App or Accessory that isn’t actually one.ubos-install
performs more checking for potential issues before attempting to install.- Better error messages, progress messages and sanity checks.
Bug fixes
The usual: fixed bugs and made improvements. You can find the closed issues
on Github tagged with milestone ubos-22