To upgrade
To be safe, first create a backup of all your sites, with a command such as:
sudo ubos-admin backup --all --backuptodirectory ~
Then, update your device:
sudo ubos-admin update -v
What’s new
Nextcloud Hub is now available natively on UBOS
Like the collaboration features of Google Docs? But not the (lack of) privacy? The new
Nextcloud Hub now provides features very similar to Google Docs through an integration with
OnlyOffice, and you can run them on your UBOS device that you control. So you, and only
you, decide who gets to see your data.
Our friends at Nextcloud have more details about
Nextcloud Hub. And on UBOS, you can install it with just a single command:
sudo ubos-admin createsite
Specify nextcloud
as the app, and your selection of accessories, such as:
, nextcloud-calendar
, nextcloud-contacts
, nextcloud-onlyoffice
, nextcloud-spreed
Available on x86_64
only, not ARM (an OnlyOffice limitation).
Significant new functionality:
Nextcloud full-text search. Install accessories nextcloud-fulltextsearch
and nextcloud-fulltextsearch-elasticsearch
Nextcloud real-time document editing (see above).
Package upgrades:
Mediawiki, and accessories
Nextcloud, and accessories, have a major new version
Webtrees has a major new version
Known issues
If you run the Nextcloud OnlyOffice integration (accessory nextcloud-documentserver-community
you may receive message “ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached. Please contact admin”. This is
because you accessed your Nextcloud through a hostname or IP address different from what
the Nextcloud installation expected.
To set the address at which the document server is available, go to the OnlyOffice
Settings in the Nextcloud user interface (as administrator, go to Settings, section Administration,
select ONLYOFFICE), and edit the Document Editing Service address. The URL there must start
with the same protocol, hostname and path as the URL you are using to access Nextcloud.
You may also need to set this the first time you access Nextcloud after initial deployment.
This has been filed as an issue with the Nextcloud project
Bug fixes
The usual: fixed bugs and made improvements. You can find the closed issues
on Github tagged with milestone ubos-apps-21